Send a mail to with following information:

• First and lastname

• Phone number

• Description of the motive and some reference material if you have any.

• Placement on the body and the approximate size, or if you for ex would like to have a full or halfsleeve
• If the area is empty or if you have any tattoos on it.
• If you have a specific budget. 
• Your healthsituation, if you have any allergies, epilepsy, diabetes, any blood disease or any blood thinning medicine


If you have a question, please read the  INFO & AFTERCARE first.
If you dont find your answer there, send me a message.

At rare ocations, the e-mails are not recieved for some reason, so if you haven't heard from me within a week, duble check so it was sent to the right adress or send a message on instagram or facebook.

And don't forget to check the spamfolder.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!



Lagmansvägen 11

141 62 Huddinge